That Pond Girl Podcast
That Pond Girl Podcast
Let's talk algae with Rick & Eli
In this episode, Sonja discusses algae with a golden algae specialist & a limnologist extraordinaire. The conversation talks about good vs. bad algae, how they spread & survive, and how to best manage waterbodies in Texas to avoid Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).
Rick Amalfi earned his Ph.D. in researching algae from Arizona State University in Aquatic Biology & Chemistry in 1988. He owns and operates Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. a full-service organic analysis lab, as well as aquatic biology and limnology services. Found here: www.aquaticconsulting.com
Eli Kersch, CLM, PCA, has grown his knowledge and experience starting in academia and throughout his career in lake management. He has served on several boards and committees within the lake management world and most recently has co-founded and operates Lake Tech, inc. Found here: www.laketech.com
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